CCH Websites
I have perused hundreds of websites that offer North Carolina Concealed Carry Classes. Most of them are OK, some are excellent but some suck. Here are some of the things that make a CCH website bad.
- Who are you? - Many websites don't say who is teaching the CCH course. A name and photo would be nice. Don't be paranoid.
- Where are you? - If I live in Wilmington, I probably don't want to take a class in Asheville. The website doesn't say where the classes are.
- Class/Range locations - If your range isn't at the same location as the classroom, let folks know and about how far, distance/time, it is.
- What year is it? - I'll see class dates listed only to discover that it was 2 years ago.
- Incomplete contact information - An email address is often missing, sometimes there's no phone number. Both should be available.
- Cookie Consent - Many websites (not just CCH websites) feature an annoying popup that says something like: "This site uses cookies, click to agree". Unless your target population is in the European Union, or California, this is nothing more than virtue signaling.
However, it is unethical for a website to opaquely harvest information about visitors and not have a disclosure. Thing is, most CCH websites don't do that. - Cringworthy images - This is the sort of thing that "you know it when you see it". Here area few examples:
- Children posing with AR's etc. Viewers don't care about your grandchildren.
- Students with horrible target scores. Show your best.
- Using the "sex sells" approach. Don't be crass.
- Big guns like .44 mag revolver or .50 sniper rifles just to be cool. Not cool.
- Showing images of special operators in tactical gear, beards, tattoos, muscles etc. for CCH class, huh?. (Unless that's actually you.)
- Overuse of the word Tactical - The majority of CCH instructors have had zero training and experience in the tactical use of firearms. That's OK because the CCH course isn't about that. Just don't say that it is.
- Overuse of the word Passion - People are passionate about romance or religion. Saying that you're passionate about teaching CCH conjures up images of some guy hugging a pillow and saying his passion is about me having a good night's sleep. That's creepy.
I offer this as constructive criticism because my passion is that you have a great CCH website. ;)
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