Concealed Carry Is Not Just For Sharpshooters
The right to defend your life and liberty is God given and unalienable. If you are able to use a handgun safely and you meet the legal requirements, then concealed carry is a reasonable and perhaps prudent choice for self defense.
The marksmanship skill needed to successfully complete the range part of the CCH course is minimal. In North Carolina, the established minimum requirement is to fire 30 rounds at a bulls-eye or silhouette target; 10 rounds from each of 3, 5 and 7 yards distances. At least 21 shots fired must hit the target.*
Pistol shooting fundamentals will be covered in the course: How to stand, how to grip the pistol, how to present the firearm, how to aim, etc. All on a basic level sufficient to enable you to successfully complete the range portion of the course.
Pistol shooting is fun! If you are a novice with handguns, you are encouraged to practice the fundamentals of safe shooting and to seek further training.
*The NC Concealed Carry Course must meet certain minimum standards. However, certified instructors have some discretion on course content in the classroom and for the range qualification. The range qualification may vary slightly.